Hassan Ayariga says when he becomes president, there won't be any water or electricity meters

Dr. Hassan Ayariga the All People's Congress (APC) presidential candidate has declared that, should he win the presidency, there will be no metering system to measure water and power usage.
This was said at the presentation of his policy agenda to the Ghana Union of Traders Associations (GUTA) on October 22. He claims he intends to implement a flat-rate structure in place of the current metered water and electricity billing system. Under this new approach, a landlord's payment would be based on the kind of property they own.
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Ayariga attacked the metering system, claiming it was ineffective and unfair to Ghanaians. "There will be no meter for water and electricity in an APC government. The metering system is not effective and short-changing Ghanaians," he said.
He also urged Ghanaians to take responsibility for their country's development and underlined the necessity of a shift in the country's mentality.
He highlighted the need for openness in governance and emphasized that the demands of Ghanaian businesses and residents will come first under an APC government.
Ayariga's most comprehensive policy ideas include the creation of a national data system, the execution of an economic lockdown to boost local output, and the country's long-term growth plan.